Written Upon the Belief and Knowledge
of Reverend Crystal Cox
All Faith Church
Port Townsend, Washington

Port Townsend City Attorney Heidi Greenwood of the Council Culture and Society Committee invites Olympic Pride Founder to Speak on the Creation of a Declaration of Port Townsend as a Humans Rights City.
Port Townsend Washington DOES NOT Qualify
to Be Labeled as a “Human Rights City”.

Port Townsend is Not a Place of Dignity, Safety, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Equity, and Non-Discrimination for and Equal to All Individuals, Groups, Parties, and Social Status.
Port Townsend is a City of Flat out Discrimination and Blatant Disregard for Human Rights, Safety, Dignity, and Basic Respect, of any individual, class, or group that does not meet the “City’s” Criteria for “Human” or fit their definition of a “People” deserving of “Human Rights” “Non-Discrimination” “Safety” “Dignity” and “Welcoming” .
Port Townsend is a City that picks and chooses who the Laws applies To based solely on Discrimination, Inequality, Personal Opinion, Prejudice, and Feelings of “Some” Not ALL Equally. The Opposite of “Human Rights”.
Port Townsend is a City that will set up a homeless man, and flat out Defy a Court Order to Return his Dog, his Private Valuable Property and Emotional support animal. And with Serious Discrimination, Inequality, Lawless Prejudice and No Basic Human Rights.
The City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County Government is a Lawless Bunch that decides who the law applies to and who it does not apply to, clearly based on DISCRIMINATION, personal opinion, Inequality, and their personal political ideology.

The City of Port Townsend and their Co-Conspirators decide amongst themselves who gets “Human Rights”, whose tears and pain have “value” to them or their political agenda, and only those “people” will be protected by the police, have human rights, be given equal voice and participation in local law making and government doctrine.
Port Townsend proposes, as a matter of Proclamation and Law, that we are not “Men” or “Women”, but instead “People”, people who they claim have equal human rights, equal protection under the law, equal dignity, blah blah blah, Flat Out Hypocritical LIES.
There is nothing non-discriminating and Equal about how the City of Port Townsend Government and Jefferson County Government Rules their Kingdom, and doles out their pay raises, performance bonuses, laws, proclamations, contracts, side deals, secret projects, grants, funding and bullying.
In Order to Be a Human Rights City, or taken Serious about Creating a Human Rights Commission, First, those involved in massive human rights violations in the events surrounding our attack and violation of Human Rights at the Julie Jaman Press Conference, must admit to their wrong doing, their discrimination, and their incitement of hate and violence toward Julie Jaman and those of us who they denied due process.
First the City Council, Commissioner Kate Dean, the Mayor, the City Manager, the Chief of Police, the YMCA, Quimper Church, and Olympic Pride Must admit to what they did to incite Violence, and Deny Human Rights deliberately, with intent, and actual malice.
It is not about agreeing with someone, it is about Live and Let Live. It is about not abusing, shunning, bullying, berating, silencing someone just because you do not believe the same as they do.
In the Julie Jaman Case, she was on the RIGHT side of the Law, of the Moral Compass, and of YMCA Policy. The YMCA, the City Manager, the City Attorney, the Police could have EASILY chosen neutrality, or at least investigated the facts, before choosing a side as they all did right away, in the very first 24 hours.
Yes Human Rights, Dignity, Respect, Safety, Equality for Trans Women, however NOT ONLY Trans Women, Not ONLY Trans Rights and the rest of us get beat in the street, and have no Human Rights, No Rights to Due Process, Safety, Dignity, or Respect.

Yes Trans Rights are Human Rights So are ALL Our Rights
Research for Human Rights Complaints Led to Finding
Information about Port Townsend Believing it Could be
A City of Human Rights
I am working on a Human Rights Complaint and Connected Legal Action to file against the City of Port Townsend, Olympic Pride (Local NonProfit), the Port Townsend Police and Police Chief Thomas Olson, Quimper Unitarian Church and Beau Ohlgren Director of Family Ministry, as well as Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro, City Attorney Heidi Greenwood, and other corporations and individuals involved in Human Rights Violations, discrimination, and inequality against Julie Jaman, and subsequently Amy Sousa of which led to Human Rights Violations, discrimination, and inequality which incited an angry mob to silence, bully, and assault those of us who dared to speak right there, below the ivory tower windows of the Elite City Council, in the streets of Port Townsend, Washington’s beautiful Victorian Seaport Town.

Meanwhile The Port Townsend Police stood below those same windows, of the Gods of Port Townsend, and Watched as we were pummeled into the Red Bricks where we had danced at a steampunk festival not long before.

Port Townsend Steampunk Festival in that Very Spot
Chief of Police Thomas Olson, with malicious intent, ordered the Port Townsend Police to stand down, to not help us. 911 was Called and the State Police came and then the PT police were forced, or shamed into crossing the street. Even though Chief Olson admitted to the Peninsula Daily News about his knowledge of their batons, guns and other weaponry he knew they had.
You can easily see and hear, on officer cam footage of the event, that the Port Townsend Police are pretty much Good Men, trying to do a Good Job, as they chatter about how to help, and how to round up the instigators and separate the groups. See there were 400 of them in that Olympic Pride Terrorist Mob incited by the City, and there were 11 of us speakers, and our dozen or so supporters, mostly elders.
Many of the Port Townsend Police were trying to do their job that fateful night but answering to an unconstitutional, human rights violating, civil rights violating, prejudice, discriminating boss, Port Townsend Police Chief Thomas Olson. Who was in communication with City Manager John Mauro, and clearly showed their discrimination, prejudice and intent weeks prior to violate our civil rights, Our Human Rights, that night.
Yet here we see the Hypocritical Dodgy City of Port Townsend Officials trying to spread Dangerous Misinformation and convince the world, the Human Rights Commision, the UN, that Port Townsend Washington is some Destination of Divine Human Rights. A place in which human rights run free and wild organically in the streets of the most perfect shiny human rights city in the universe. She says with a great deal of mockery and sarcasm.

Police Chief Olson Watching our Assault
We were a bipartisan group of women, men, lesbians, gay, bisexual, straight, christian, pagan, a very diverse group indeed. MOST OF ALL we were and are “Humans”, Deserving of Human Rights. We were violently shut down, silenced, intimated and assaulted. All the Police had to do was cross the street and show presence early on, or even a section of barrier fencing. Yet we did not warrant the Human Rights of either.
About a month after the Julie Jaman Press Conference, Chief Olson wrote the, now infamous, “Lessons Learned” gibberish report, in his official capacity, to City officials, of which, he threw Amy Sousa under the bus yet again for a bit more abuse and a heaping helping of those homegrown Port Townsend “Human Rights”. Note here that Chief Olson also threw his officers under the bus, as he berated them for saying too much on video, see he wants them to simply obey and not question, to not do their job or protect constitutional and human rights, unless he says so.
This email and official Lessons Learned Report was clearly sent in an attempt to say, hey not our fault, not our liability. I will post much more on the “Lessons Learned” Report from Olson the City of PT in a Future Article. Olson made sure the City knew that when Amy Sousa applied for her Permit for the Event, that Amy checked the box of not needing “police staff”. Keep in mind Olson was told that there was a call to action, FOI shows easily he knew of potential violence and he deliberately let us burn per se, right there in the Shiny City of Human Rights on the Port Townsend Bay.

Two weeks later on September 3rd 2022 there would be another Event, this Event for US to Protest what the City of Port Townsend and their Co-Conspirators did on August 15th 2022 at the Julie Jaman Press Conference. At This Event we would see approximately 60 Law Enforcement Officers including State Patrol, Coast Guard, Helicopter Police, Clallam County Deputies, Jefferson County Deputies and the Port Townsend Police there to protect us, and to keep the groups separated.
Oh SNAP, Would You Believe it? Turns out the Man who got the Permit for that Event, Robert Zerfing, well, he checked that very same box, ya know the one that Evil Olson is trying to use to limit the City of Port Townsend’s liability for doing NOTHING as us “human” “people” were being assaulted.
Well, ya see, City Council, Amy wanted it that way, she checked the box, see see right there neener neener. WOW what a tangled web we weave. No worries however, I intend to untangle it all and it WILL BE YOUR LEGACY.
As is Our Blood, now a legacy in its permanent alchemizing with the Red Bricks on the Cotton Building and the Brick Ground Cover next to it, where all the world famous Port Townsend Special Events take place year after year.

I have been to a whole lot of “Special Events” in Port Townsend for over a decade. Not one of the incidents that happened to us that night would have been allowed at any Port Townsend Event to anyone, regardless of what box the originator of the Permit checked.
It is Easily Seen in FOI eMails that Chief Olson, Beau Ohlgren of Quimper Universalist Unitarian Fellowship and City Manager John Mauro prejudiced, conspired against, bullied, despised, denied human rights and equality to Julie Jaman and had already decided, from Day ONE, what they would “tolerate” and what they would turn a blind eye to.
Spoiler Alert: they WILL NOT TOLERATE Stickers. Oh unless it's BLM, Musicians, Events, Groups, Jokes, Art, Festivals or the other hundreds upon hundreds of stickers I have seen posted in the streets of Port Townsend over the last decade I have lived here.
They hated Julie and Amy from the start, and punished them. Along with this extreme prejudice, Denial of Due Process, discrimination and Violation of Human Rights, they endangered the life, well being and mental health of Julie Jaman and Amy Sousa that out of pure Discrimination, Prejudice and NOTHING to Do With Equality, and a Pledge to Human Rights. The rest of us, well, we were endangered as well and assaulted, because Olson and Mauro hated Amy and Julie so much they let us all get a Dose of PT Human Rights.
They incited and allowed our flat out assault, violation of free speech, and complete Denial of Equality and Human Rights. Note that the emails are copied to City Attorney Heidi Greenwood. Because City Manager John Mauro was terrified, as he is quoted as saying, “Looping Heidi in as I do when things terrify me”. In Other words he feared the city's financial liability in it all, and rightly so.
Thing is, it was Easy at that point, the YMCA is a non-profit that was and is independently managing the City Property and has an Operating Agreement and Operating Standards with the city, that I would say is a legally binding contract as a matter of law.
The YMCA was not part of the City Government, Easy Breezy, City in the Clear, no Liability. Depending, of course, on what the operating agreement says, maybe it does say the City Manager and Chief of Police, along with Olympic Pride and Quimper Church will decide who has rights at the YMCA. Maybe the operating agreement says that the City Manager should decide who is right in any situation with no investigation needed.
A Bit about that Operating Agreement.
Now I am not claiming to be a law expert in any way, however, I have had my own real estate company, construction company, restaurant, forestry company and many other businesses for 30 years. So I have my opinion based on experience and well, take it or leave it.
So Who is Liable for Discrimination, Hate Crimes, Inciting Violence, Senior Rights Violation, YMCA Employee Management and Policies, Violation of Due Process, Violation of Constitutional Rights, Upholding Protected Class Laws, Proper Changing Areas Per State Laws, oh and that Pesky “Rule of Three” YMCA Policy that Good Samaritan Julie Jaman brought to the YMCA’s attention just before they banned her for LIFE?
In my Opinion, the City had No Liability or Duty, at that moment in time, July 27th 2022 when City Manager John Mauro got the “news” of the “individual trespassed from the YMCA” and sent his now infamous email shouting the news to the world and picking sides with No Due Process or Investigation into Legal Matters, Contract Law, What Was True or Not True, or considering any Human Rights, Dignity, or Respect.
Prior to that moment, that official email on that day, the City had No LIABILITY, as a matter of Law, Contract Law at least right?
In My Opinion they City Had No Liability that first day and could have simply stayed out of it, or at the very least Neutral, and applied the Law without Bias, Discrimination, and Prejudice.
The City had an agreement that gave them “Clean Hands” (a legal term). Yet Big Ol’ Goofy John Stepped into a Big Ol’ Pile of Legal GOO and Liability that the whole entire world would soon know about just days later.
You See, the City of Port Townsend was not contracted to be involved with any of the YMCA actions, decisions, discriminations, prejudices, rules and procedures, employee policy, rulings or choices in the matter, as I interpret it. The City was not even responsible to bring the bathrooms up to meet state law, or even if they would have made structural changes, it still was the YMCA’s responsibility to abide by “all laws applicable’, per the Contract. It was the YMCA’s responsibility to bring to attention that the building was not in compliance with State Law, as far as I understand the Operating Agreement.
So, Whew No Liability for PT Right?
Sure, UNLESS, like a Bull in a China shop as they say, the City steps in, sides with one party with no investigation, counsels, orders or demands the local law take one side with prejudice and discrimination and without any investigation. And then proceeds to incite a violent mob, then defends the mob's actions in the streets, and then the Mayor’s Law Firm represents our assailant’s in court. Well then Ya Liability is a Given. Kind of an Open Shut Case I would say.
It is my Opinion, that the Operating Standards Section of the Operating Agreement,
On Page 2 of the contract, where it says, ( iii. In compliance with all applicable laws;)
Actually means that the YMCA is responsible to make sure the operation is in compliance with “applicable laws” such as a bathroom / changing area to suit those uncomfortable, as per State Law.
Also Per the Operating Agreement, in my Opinion, it is and was the YMCA’s Responsibility and Liability for Violations of Discrimination and Human Rights Laws Such as and not Limited to:
RCW 49.60.400, Discrimination, preferential treatment prohibited.
RCW 49.60.210 Unfair practices—Discrimination against person opposing unfair practice—Retaliation against whistleblower.
State and Federal Whistleblower Laws
Human Rights Laws, Civil Rights Laws
Federal Hate Crimes, Senior Protection Laws
If the YMCA was actually following State Law, in my Opinion, they would have calmly explained to Julie Jaman that she could change in a separate area, of which it is my understanding that the YMCA was not in compliance with this State Law and had no area available or offered. The YMCA brought the building up to meet State Law, it is my understanding, AFTER Julie Jaman brought this discriminating infraction of State Law to the YMCA’s attention, of which she was consequently banned for life for doing. I believe there is discrimination lawsuits to be had with that as well as whistleblower legal action, we shall see.
To bring the building into legal compliance after banning, abusing, and inciting a mob against Julie Jaman, is Clearly an Admittance to Guilt, Prejudice, Violation of State Law and Human Rights Laws.
In all this Abusive, Lawless, Discriminating, Rights Violating Chaos, the city would have had no liability as the Operating Agreement, seems to me, to put the liability onto the managing nonprofit. Yet City Manager John Mauro stepped in with serious discrimination and human rights violations, with no investigation or neutrality, and began to incite a violent mob.
FOI eMails show that Mauro would go on to conspire with Chief Police Olson, Beau Ohlgren of Quimper Unitarian Universalist Church, the City Attorney, the Mayor, the City Council, Olympic Pride, Jefferson County Commissioners and the Port Townsend Leader to Deprive Julie Jaman of her inalienable Human Rights, and Amy Sousa along with her for daring to tell the story. Along with the Folks at the Port Townsend Free Press and those of us who spoke at the Julie Jaman Press Conference.
Washington State Human Rights Commission @ WAC 162-32-060(2)(a) was not followed in my opinion, and the liability of this infraction was not on the City of PT until the CITY stepped in to discrimination, bully and dish up some pretty intense Human Rights Violations
Keep in mind folks, if you think what the City, the Police, and these Nonprofits did is wonderful, supportive and beautiful then you are agreeing that it is ok for any or all of these same actions to happen to anyone at any event, dance, festival, or function downtown Port Townsend.
Lot’s more on these Laws I believe the YMCA Violated, Coming Soon. I Believe the City is Liable as Well, and we won’t leave out Quimper Church, Beau Ohlgren, the PT Police, and the Gang at Olympic Pride, they should all see some Legal Action too and I hope criminal charges for what they actually truly did.
A Bit More on the YMCA Operating Agreement
with the City of Port Townsend
Let’s Look at the Management and Operations Section
of the Contract, Page 1, Number 3. Section 3(a):
“During the Term of this Agreement, the Pool will be managed
and operated exclusively by the YMCA in accordance with the following, and all other,
provisions of this Agreement:
a. Managerial Discretion. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the
YMCA will have discretion and control in all matters relating to the management
and operation of the Pool, including, without limitation, staffing decisions,
employment policies..”
To me, not attempting to give legal advice, however, it sure looks to me like under contract law the YMCA was in charge of their own “staffing decisions” and enforcing “employment policies” “without limitation”.
It was the YMCA’s legal duty to comply with State Law and YMCA Policy. They chose to blame the violations of both on an 80 year old woman, scared in the shower because she heard a man’s voice. A woman who let them know that “applicable laws” were not being followed. A wise intuitive woman who let the YMCA managers know that the Rule of Three was not being followed. Yet the whistleblower was the one punished, banned, shunned, protested, shamed, called bigot fascist nazi TERF, was mobbed and violently attacked in the street and completely DENIED Dignity, Respect and Human Rights.
Check Out this Rebel News Video Below, Timestamp 17s to 40s, then the same woman speaks at Timestamp 7:12 to 9:35 . She Claims the YMCA policy was followed, she found out NO the Rule of Three Policy Was NOT being Followed. She says the rule, law of a place to change was not followed, but the very VERY next day there was.
Click Below to Watch the Rebel News video discussed above, Where a YMCA Patron abuses Julie Jaman in the parking lot and discloses that the YMCA has now built the changing area to come into compliance with state law, and discusses the Rule Of Three not being followed.

Bull in a China Shop
City Manager John Mauro clearly stepped into a delicate human rights situation, of which he really had no reason to be in, as a matter of law, ethics and human rights.
Bull in a China Shop, John Mauro did not investigate, interview or look into any of it. You would think at 187k a year of taxpayer money that he would at least take some time to research, investigate, and an innocent until proven guilty approach before he reacted.
As it turns out, the beginning of the Violence, the Incited Hate and massive Human Rights Violations started with the City Manager's first response to the matter. After this many groups, businesses, and individuals put out a Call of Action all over to Incite Violent Hate, abuse, bullying and assault on those who they ruled did not deserve Human Rights.
If John Mauro was going to put in his two cents then at the very least why not be neutral or at least act like it and speak for the whole community? At least take a day or two, calm down, do some homework and most of all REFRAIN from inciting a violent mob based on your “terrified” opinion, prejudice and lack of knowledge.
John Mauro Knew what the Operating Agreement said, he knew it was NOT the city's business to interfere as a Matter of Law. Therefore he acted illegally, in my opinion, with actual malice and intent as he knew he was doing it.

And then there is Defamation, as in a Defamation Lawsuit, the City of Port Townsend and the YMCA Rowan D’Luna, Wendy Bart CEO, Erin Hawkins, would have to prove their Defamatory Words that Julie Jaman had Multiple Infractions and that she had used vulgar language, verbal abuse, and all those other accusations they spewed that incited a riot quite literally and cause physical pain, mental anguish and oh so much more. They would have to prove Julie Jaman is a Bigot, Fascist, Nazie TERF and their other name calling, otherwise it is Defamation. I am a bit of an Expert in Defamation Law having represented myself in a High Profile Defamation Case all the way to the Supreme Court.
In Defamation Lawsuit, the TRUTH is a Defense. So I guess we shall see if the City, John Mauro, can prove the accusations he made against Julie Jaman. If only he had actually read the Operating Agreement and NOT chose a side, and been a fair, impartial, human rights abiding City Official.

A Bit on the “Rule of Three” YMCA Policy
The “Rule of Three” is part of the YMCA’s alleged commitment to Child Protection and Child abuse Prevention. Much more on all that in future articles.
For Now Let’s Look at the YMCA Child Protection Policies and Procedures AND Child Abuse Prevention Policy.
The Rule of 3 indicates that if a camper (child in the YMCA camp program) needs to go anywhere on Camp, they must have themselves and two adults.
“No child, regardless of age, should ever enter a bathroom alone on a school campus, field trip or at another off-site location. Children must always be sent in threes (known as the rule of three) with a staff member.”
“Restroom Supervision:
Staff will make sure the restroom is not occupied by suspicious or unknown individuals before allowing children to use the facilities.
Staff will stand in the open doorway of the restroom while children are using the restroom. This allows for audio supervision of children, privacy for children and protection for staff (not placing them in the position of being alone with a child).
In case a younger child needs assistance, doors to the facility must remain open and a second staff is asked to be present.
No child, regardless of age, should ever enter a bathroom alone on a school campus, field trip or at another off-site location. Children must always be sent in threes (known as the rule of three) with a staff member.”
Source of Above YMCA “Rule” “Policy”, number 5 at the link below

Here is a Link to the Operating Agreement, the Contract I refer to above, Should You Wish to do some further independent research.
Be Sure and Check Out Page 26 and 27. COMMERCiAL GENERAL LIABILITY. I intend to let the insurance provider know of the claims I file, when I do such.
Click Below to Read Operating Agreement
The YMCA was and is responsible to know the “applicable laws” per contract and the City of Port Townsend should have, could have, stayed out of it or at least acted neutral, and maybe with a hint of actual Human Rights and Equality for ALL without Discrimination.
Who Enforces Human Rights

The Law Says that the Washington State Human Rights Commission (WSHRC) enforces the Washington State Law Against Discrimination. We shall See if that is True Coming Soon.
I Cannot Help but WONDER if State Law, Federal Law or the Constitution will even be a factor in the Policies and Procedure of this Human Rights City Process of the City of Port Townsend.
Well, instead of holding City Manager John Mauro accountable for his clear violation of Human Rights and “applicable law”, the City Council Gave him a Raise.
$187k a year to Violate Human Rights. Job Well Done.
Oath? Seriously John?
Bias, Prejudice, Discrimination
Does not EQUAL Human Rights
Personal Preference, Politics, Personal Opinion, and other interpersonal petty judgemental gossipy quagmire should not have mattered. Neutrality, Law, Investigation, Real Equality without Prejudice without Discrimination, ya, they may have been more inline with the Lofty Delusional Dream of Port Townsend actually being a Human Rights City.
As Olympic Pride, Trans Rights Activists, Antifa Militants and others enraged and incited by the City of Port Townsend and Quimper Universalist Unitarian Fellowship Assaulted us in the street, the Mayor of PT, a City that identifies itself as a Human Rights City, well this Human Rights God, Mayor David Fabor, called our assault beautiful and supportive. Supportive of who though?
And beautiful to which party, the abuser, the assailant or the victim? There was No Neutrality, there was no Equality under the Law, there was No “Human Rights”.
There was no Welcoming Beacon City on the Hill Of Human Rights that night, nor the discriminating prejudice incitement that led up to nor the callus cruel gaslighting that followed. Port Townsend, “Hate has No Place Here” says Mayor Fabor. While a Hypnotic Blind Eye is Turned to the Massive Hate Flowing Our Way.
Anyway, Back to the Story,
Port Townsend
the Shining Example of
Human Rights and Equality; NOT !!!
I am working on complaints to file with the Washington Human Rights Commission, the Washington State Human Rights Commission, the Washington State Office of Equity, ACLU Washington, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Department of Human Services, the Human Rights Council, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (HHS-OCR), Washington State Human Rights Commission and several Human Rights Foundations, and Federal Hate Crime Complaints; all Regarding Our Assault at the Julie Jaman Press Conference on August 15th, 2022, incited by the City of Port Townsend, the Port Townsend Mayor and City Manager, Olympic Pride, Beau Ohlgren of Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, the Port Townsend YMCA and Chief of Police Thomas Olson.
There will not be a Human Rights Agency in the World that has not heard of what Happened to Julie Jaman in Port Townsend Washington, what happened to us all at the Julie Jaman Press Conference.

Anyway, As I was researching some legal information for my formal complaints and legal action to follow, I came across a Facebook Post Regarding a recent invite from the City Attorney to participate in a Port Townsend Committee meeting to Declare PT a Human Rights City. What a Crock Right?
After what I have personally experienced and reported on for years regarding the City of Port Townsend, Imagine my Surprise in my research to find out that the City of Port Townsend Imagines Itself as a Sanctuary of Human Rights, a Utopia of Equity and a Non-Discrimination Haven of Dignity for All.
Seriously that would be funny, if it was not so violently untrue that we, as citizens they don’t like or approve of are in danger of their laws, their police force, their courts and prosecuting attorneys, their extreme violence inciting rhetoric and proclamation of which directly turns to violence, bullying, prejudice, and discrimination against any of us who are not part of their gang of co-conspirators.
The Human Rights Gods of Port Townsend want
the City to be known as a Welcoming City,
it simply is NOT True.
This comes only 2 months after Discriminating Hate and Human Rights Violations Galore poured out in the streets of Port Townsend on August 15th, 2022 at the Julie Jaman Press Conference, where we were assaulted by followers of these same individuals, government officials, and nonprofits. And they, the abusers caught on video and FOI, continue to Cry Victim, as if in a typical narcissistic domestic violence situation. We did not hurt you, if you got hurt it was your fault, You made it all up, you did not want “police staff’, you were not knocked down, none of that bad violent Human Rights Violations happened and so much more Gaslighting we have endured by the City of Port Townsend Officials, Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom, Mayor David Fabor, the Port Townsend Police, the YMCA and Even Centrum, Dove House, Local Businesses and Yes EVEN Local Churches.

We Sure Got a Good Taste of “RADICAL Inclusivity”
The City Council laughed at our pain, our violent assault, our tears, gaslighted us and even claimed we faked it all. Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom accused one of us of Staging the Whole thing, which would have been impossible, as 400 people mobbed us. Wennstrom also berated us, bullied us and posted hate filled lies about us online, inciting even more violence our way. Oh well, they do what they please, however, NOT a Human Rights thing to do that is for sure.
The whole world can see that Port Townsend
is Not a Welcoming City of Lavish Human Rights.

Our Human Rights did not exist and still do not, as they scoff at our pain, and denied us Equality, Dignity, Safety, and Basic Human Rights as a matter of Law, Policy and Procedure. They paint us out as the ones in the wrong somehow, the bad guys per se, the violent Radical Bigot Nazi Fascist TERFS. They continue to this day to incite the mob online, and in their chambers of vicious rumor and innuendo. They rule on our Fate, our Worth, our Quality of Life and our Human Rights.
Port Townsend, a “Human Rights City”?
Port Townsend is a place where the City Attorney, County Prosecutors, Non-Profits, and their vigilante mob, in the name of who and what is important to them with no Equality, or investigation, will terrorize a penniless homeless man, lie about him, bully him, set him up, steal his dog and Defy a Court Order to do as they please.

They see, NOT the Human Rights in the Sacred Life and Breath of a Man near death and needing help, but instead, see his dog as their do-gooder rescue project to somehow appease their own heartlessly hollow souls. They bring his dog in, out of the cold, feed his dog, heal his dog, and leave the man alone to die of cold and heartbreak.
Behind it all was a vigilante mob of citizens that think they are the law, some known as the alleged “Prominent People '' who run the Port Townsend Police and Government around. Behind it was a county prosecutor and her bestie at CVAR, a local nonprofit and a police woman who set a man up, clearly seen in FOI, to flat out Steal his property, his emotional support dog.
All because of Inequality,
and Total Disregard for Human Rights.
I have reported on the entire story to every official I could, filed criminal complaints with great detail and proof, filed bar complaints and they all turned a Port Townsend Blind Eye to this Blatant Corruption. And the Motive? What could possibly be the motive for the lawless cruelty they inflicted on Michael Allmain for years? Well I know one thing for sure, their “Pledge” to Human Rights was clearly Not Involved.
Behind it all was also this same City Attorney that gave the invite to speak at a Human Rights Committee Meeting. I have seen FOI emails that she sent to Michael’s attorney badgering him about paying the lien they put on his dog to board it, AFTER the FOI eMails that proved she knew the Court Ordered Moses, Michaels’s Family, his Emotional Support Dog, his Property to be returned to him.
(See the End of this Article for Links to Proof)
City Attorney Heidi Greenwood blatantly, knowingly, with actual malice, defied a Judge's order and Violated the Human Rights, Civil Rights and Discrimination Laws to punish a local man they prejudiced as not Worthy of Human Rights, not their equal, and he had no equal right to laws that are on the books and apply to others, no right to Equality, or even the Laws applying to him. All this from a Not So Welcoming Community.
A place where a bit of money would help a guy and a dog, and they would rather spend hundreds of thousands to take the dog flat out, no matter what the Judge says, vigilante justice indeed.
They see not the suffering of the humans dying in tents, homeless cold as they ruthlessly take the dog, the man’s family and warmth, to a cozy retreat at CVAR ( a local animal rescue private nonprofit), even though a local Judge ordered the dog’s return, BY COURT ORDER. These Arrogant Thugs Ignored it. On top of this they charged the homeless man $26k to board the dog they Stole against a Judge's Order, flat out, completely above the law.

City Attorney Heidi Greenwood
What a Crock, this same government and the same parties involved in blatant disregard of human life and human rights, such as City Attorney Heidi Greenwood, Idolize themselves as Champions of Human Rights and want Port Townsend to Be Known as a Human Rights City.
Well they Can Identify as Whatever they Choose. They are the LAW and We are but to sit down and shut up. However the TRUTH will REMAIN to Be the TRUTH. And their Laughable Lies will Linger believed as Righteous Truth among their Human Rights Violating, Mean, Corrupt Cruel Cronies. As for those of us outside of their Insular Bubble, we know that Human Rights are NOT something they dole out with Equality.

In my research on Human Rights for my Complaints and Future Legal Action, I came across a post from December 17th, 2022 on Facebook that Read:
“Greetings friends last Monday the 5th I participated in the City Council meeting and proposed in public comment that the council declare Port Townsend a Humans Rights City. I received an email from the city attorney, MS Greenwood inviting me to the Culture Society Committee.
The following Monday I called MS Greenwood and talked about a proposal I made to the council back in 2016 of endorsing Human Rights Alliance North Sound’s proposal for the consideration of formation of a Human Rights Commission.
At the Wednesday meeting, the 14th, the proposal of the human rights city and human rights commission was discussed. My Heart soared like an eagle. This has been a dream for years of having a place where citizens could go to have resolution on human rights issues and many more.
Here is the link of the recorded session:
It is not a done deal and only in conceptual. The fact we are at the table shows a commitment on the city’s behalf that social, racial, LGBTQIA+, are issues that they recognize the need for a committee to address.
We need tons of comments at the next city council meeting January 3rd in support of what the Culture and Society Committee is doing.
Thank you, FB friends, and thanks to the City Council.
Public Comment: publiccomment@cityofpt.us.”
Source of Above Public Facebook Post
I was pretty shocked at the lengths these same parties that incited a violent mob on us will go to pretend they are a loving, caring, human rights bunch that care about, protects and gives equality to ALL in “social, racial, and LGBTQIA+ Issues”.
They Know what they did to us, the speakers at the Julie Jaman Press Conference were half of that group they tout to protect. I myself am a Lesbian, many other speakers were as well. They Choose which members get Human RIghts and which do not.
We were pummeled in the streets of Port Townsend that night. And our Social Issues, our “LGBTQIA+” Issues, DID NOT EXIST. We were assaulted and silenced and our “issues” our “bodies”, our “Human Rights” had no Humanity, Dignity, or Equal Rights whatsoever.
To me we are no longer a Society that needs to have so many separate groups. Why not simply Equal Rights for ALL. And no more separate social, racial, LGBTQIA+ and so many divisions among HUMANS. Why not the Law, Constitution and Human Rights for ALL Equally, even the Straight People, Christians, and Gays and Lesbians like me they don’t like, ALL PEOPLE PERIOD.
I am a 52 year old Lesbian, I am not a member of the LGBTQIA+, and Olympic Pride, well, I no longer support them at all. They are a Terrorist Group of Violent Thugs to me now, from my FIRST HAND Experience and Assault. Never thought I would see the day I would be Suffocated with a Pride Flag or hit with a Pride Flag Pole, run down by a parade of LGBT Bicycle Terrorists. Olympic Pride has NOTHING to Do with the Values and Origins of PRIDE. They Certainly do not Represent Me, nor Human Rights, and Equality, that is Obvious to anyone.
We, as Gays and Lesbians fought for Equal Rights and We Won. We got Same Sex Marriage. Now we are are bullied, berated and abused by the same groups, the same people that fought for same sex marriage, because we want a “same sex” relationship.
Because we want an equal voice, consent, boundaries and Human Rights.

On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on Same-Sex Marriage. Same Sex Marriage Equality was then legalized in all fifty states. We Won Equal Rights. From there it is simply about Equality across the board, ALL People. And not to then turn on other groups and within. NOT to use Violence on People and Groups you don’t like to FORCE them to Accept You, Love You and have no independent thoughts, boundaries or Human Rights.
We fought against Gay Conversation, now it seems the Trans Activists are fighting for Gay Conversation. We have Equal Rights. After we won, then what happened to the Pride marches, the movement that fought for equality?
Well it seems to have been hijacked by the trans community, flag and all. And they kicked the rest of us out. Now us Gays and Lesbians, along with what used to be known as a Women is all being Erased.
Now the Civil Rights, Human Rights and Equality we fought so hard for are ONLY for Trans Women. By Violent VERY Toxic Masculine Force.
Why NOT Equality for ALL? Why not No Hate Here for ALL. All those Chants of Love and No Hate as they beat us down, kind of like an abusive spouse hitting you daily for your own good because they love you. And you WILL Love Them or Else.
#LoveWins was our Hashtag. We were so Happy, now we can marry who we love. Then a freight train hit us from an unexpected direction, from within. The Trans community turned on us, Violently. The Violent People and Groups are Obvious, yet they somehow keep convincing their “people” that it did not happen and if it did it was not that bad, and well we are the ones who are violent not them.
No amount of Video, Our Pain and Suffering, FOI, Proof will Wake them from the Hypnotic Trance that somehow, it was ok in the Streets of Port Townsend for 400 Violent Loud Oppressive “people” to Assault Us, Take away our right to Free Speech and a voice within our City Council. They See No Issue with Their Actions. They believe we are the violent one, and seem to be in complete denial of their assault on us, on video, and well I experienced it, I witnessed, they continue to Gaslight. Proof is Just more Gas seemingly to the Fires of their Hate to anyone having a different thought or opinion, and True Human Rights for All with Absolute Equality and NO HATE HERE.
The Julie Jaman Press Conference was NOTHING to do with Hate or Discrimination. If they had let us 11 “people” speak, they would have heard “For” and NOT “Against” anything. They would have heard our viewpoint and we would have all moved on. Instead they decided to assault us, bully us, silence us and the City of Port Townsend decided it was beautiful, lawful, and supportive.
Once we Won Same Sex Marriage Rights, then What Happens to Pride Parades and Festivals? Well at first in Port Townsend it sounded like something neat was happening.
I heard speakers at PRIDE talk about using the Pride Platform to help others who needed support, the others seemed to be the indigenous nations of the Olympic Peninsula. That seemed awesome to me. However, after 2018 and 2019 talking of this mission, the mission seemed to have changed.
Origins of Olympic Pride

On March 30th of 2018, Port Townsend Trans Woman Henriemelia De Souza (Emelia De Souza) founded Jefferson County Pride, which would later be known as Olympic Pride. The Registered Agent of the Nonprofit was and is a Port Townsend Attorney Named Denis Stearns of Stearns Law, PLLC.
You remember this Guy right? He is certainly no Ally of Human Rights for All. Denis Stearns is a Prejudice, Discriminating Human Rights Bully.
For some reason my First Class Mail did not forward, by chance, Denis Stearns was assigned my old Port Townsend Post Office Box for my Church. After the Julie Jaman Press Conference, 11 Speakers Mobbed by Hundreds, well a whole lot of Port Townsend Community members attacked us online. Denis Stearns was one of them, he had clearly committed fraud and theft in my opinion. He opened and read my first class mail and used it to bully, stalk and harass me. He said he did not, yet to know it was about me personally and for or against me, you would have to open my First Class Mail, Legal Document from an Attorney. In order to know the legal mail was “prior activities” and not present activities he would have had to open my mail.
I reported this mail fraud, this Hate Crime to the PT Police, they Ignored it, as they Choose who has rights and whose life, safety, dignity has Human Rights and who can be Flat Out Ignored.
Denis Stearn fancies himself as having more Worth Than me and my Human Rights, Dignity, Safety is of NO CONCERN. Denis Stearn posted this on Twitter calling me the derogatory hateful term TERF, Ridiculous indeed. And outed to the world that I had LOTS of Legal Documents, of which ya he never looked at.
If he did not then how would you know it was FOR or Against me? Stearns Clearly Opened my Mail, he outed it to the world whether opened or not. Denis Stearns committed the hate crime of harassing a protected class, ME, a minister, a lesbian, a vulnerable citizen. I reported this Hate Crime to the Port Townsend Police, not even an email back. Port Townsend Officials, Prominent People, and Local Nonprofits are NOT part of a Human Rights for ALL Community, that is Obvious.
Oh well, the point here is PT Attorney Denis Stern was the original and present registered agent for the nonprofit Olympic Pride, the THUGS who incited violence against us and flat out attacked us in the streets of Port Townsend while the PT Police Watched. And Get This Denis Stearns is on the Jefferson County Health Board as a “Citizen at Large”. Talk about Co-Conspirators in the Attack of the Entire Community on 80 year old Julie Jaman and any of us who dared act independent and speak our truth, our beliefs, our feelings. Human Rights City? Ya NOPE!!
Denis Stearns was “Appointed by the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners to serve as a Citizen-at-Large Member on the Board of Health, which has jurisdiction over such things as regulations governing air and water quality, food safety, environmental health and safety, and other important issues related to public health.”
These are the Very “People” that are involved in a Human Rights Council, a Human Rights Commission, and even on the Board of Health, and yet promoted violence in the streets, promoted divisiveness and segregation. They attacked me in the street and online simply for standing up for a woman in my community I had never met.
How is it ok that these “Prominent People” in key Prominent Positions get to RULE on the Quality of our Life in every way. And “get to” claim some righteous Human Rights Support Status that is Simply NOT True. It is NOT Ok.
These “People” are Violent and though I can do NOTHING as they Do as they Please. The Police in charge, the City, the County; they don’t care about Truth and Fact, they protect each other. Still I Will Provide Transparency Best I Can and Leave their “Judgement” AND their “Accountability” up to the Great Spirit.

So Denis Stearn was and is the Registered Agent of Olympic Pride 501(3)(c), which was Originally Called Jefferson County Pride and created on 3-30-2018. Emelia De Souza was one of the Founding Directors. Formerly Known as Henriemelia De Souza.
Having Founded Olympic Pride, and to not Denounce What Happened to Us, and continue to incite people to hate, discriminate, prejudice and bully us, clearly disqualifies Emelia De Souza and anyone associated with Olympic Pride to represent ALL on the Issue of Human Rights.
I do not believe that Emelia De Souza should have ANYTHING to do with a Human Rights Commission, a Human Rights Council FOR ALL. There is No Passion or Agenda at all within Olympic Pride for Equality, Dignity, Respect, Safety and Human Rights for ALL without Discrimination, Judgement, Berating and Prejudice, that is Obvious.
If you don’t know that then you may have not seen all the live feeds from the Julie Jaman Press Conference or you simply say they are not “that” bad. Maybe you have not talked to any of us Terrorized and Assaulted in the Streets of Port Townsend by Olympic Pride. As our Assailants, Our Violent Abusers Yelled NO HATE HERE!! In some Dystopian World of Mirrored Hypnotic Delusions.
Yes, Emelia De Souza may believe she is doing good work for the Trans Community or for all us “People”, but what happened to us is not any part of good work, good deeds, equality, safety for all, dignity or human rights. No Matter what one may think their belief is, or their work is of pure intent.
So Who is Emelia De Souza

Once Upon a Time Emelia Seemed to be Against Bullying
Is Emelia De Souza Perhaps a “People” that was once a Cranky Hostile Ol’ Man turned Sweet Innocent Human Rights Activist Woman?

Ex Port Townsend Mayor Michelle Sandoval is quoted in the Port Townsend Leader as saying, “I was surprised to hear from her,” said Sandoval, who had known Emelia’s past persona of Henry to be “very unhappy and hostile”.
That Same 2015 Port Townsend Leader article said “in December, Emelia met with Realtor, Port Townsend City Council member and former mayor Michelle Sandoval, someone she had considered an enemy since settling here 20 years ago.”
Turns out Emelia De Souza, formerly Henriemelia De Souza is somewhat of a local celebrity Trans Woman.
In April of 2015 the Port Townsend Leader did a Write up Called “Meeting Emelia”

Emelia De Souza is quoted as saying:
“They’re hiding and they're depressed because there's a huge amount of emotional trauma they've had to go through,” she said. “People need to be aware that words can hurt and can leave a deep impact on your life. It's almost at a karmic or spiritual level that this hurt takes place. It's a deep scar”
I can’t help but wonder if the members of Olympic Pride or the proponents of Human Rights have any value for All Human Life? Do they not know that those women were terrorized, I was one of them. And many of us had PTSD and so much trauma, depression and fear after our attack. Many of us still do.
Yet for some reason they don’t see us as living breathing human beings, worthy of Equality, Dignity, Safey, Human Rights or even the right to Speak in the Streets of Port Townsend. The Emotional Trauma put on us by this violently mob, and knowing the hate that PRIDE put on us Lesbians, and our local Government, Churches, Police, Non-Profits, Mayor, Commissioner and City Council broke hearts and caused depression, deep trauma, and fear of those in our community.
We are Humans. Words Hurting Us are not even considered. Olympic Pride, City Authorities, Olson, Faber, Wennstrom and more caused us pain, trauma and suffering and they sure did make scars and a deep impact on our life. And to this day deny that we even had an experience worth noting, or have any Human Rights at all. They still mock, snicker and gaslight. They talk about the “events” of last summer.
WE were assaulted and they still paint us out at the aggressor, the bad guys, as they discuss a Human Rights Commission, for What? They Do What they Want with impunity so why bother?
The Port Townsend Leader Goes on to say, “Emelia has not only proposed getting the city on that equality index, she’s pitched a human rights commission, and it’s getting traction. It would hear citizen concerns and report to the council.”
Port Townsend is Nowhere Near “GOOD” on the “equality index”, and after what these same parties did to us, to Julie Jaman, to Michael Allmain they should not be involved in a human rights commission. We were Not Treated Equal nor Given any Equal Rights.

And WHAT? The Human Rights Commission would “hear” “citizen” concerns? They did not hear us screaming in the street for help. They do not listen to concerns from a viewpoint of Human Rights Laws, Constitutional Rights Laws, Civil Rights Laws for All citizens without bias, judgment, and prejudice. We Were Not Heard, yet we are to believe these same “people” that denied our basic human rights are going to hear “citizens” concerns. I wonder who will be defined as a “citizen” worthy of Human Rights?
I know it won't be me, or Amy Sousa, or Julie Jaman or Michael Allmain. It won’t be all of us who were attacked by these same people, with total lack of humanity.
“Hear and Report to the Council” to me sounds like another version of the City Council, where they listen to who they want, value who they want, and have no agenda of Equality. Them hearing citizens and citizens reporting to them is a bit like the Fox in the Hen House Right? They have shown themselves to DO Nothing about Equality, Human Rights, Laws Broken, Defied Court Orders, Assaults and Violence in the street to bully, intimidate and silence those deemed not worthy “citizens” “people”.
Why Would I Go to My Abuser and Ask to Be Heard? These same “people”, nonprofits and government officials caused us serious harm and were completely outside of the law. Yet we are to be happy about a Human Rights Commission? WHAT!!
There was No Investigation into any laws, truth, policy, contractual duty, human rights, senior rights, discrimination, or constitutional rights in any way in the Julie Jaman situation with the YMCA. There was no investigation into the clear violations of law, defying a court order and denial of human rights for Michael Allmain.
They are Clearly Above the Law and a Human Rights Commission is clearly just another meeting to deny rights to those they deem less then, wrong, not worthy of Human Rights while they praise and reward the violence of those they rule to be deserving of Human Rights. Meanwhile PT can pretend to outsiders that they are law abiding, equality loving, human rights loving folks. I think the record Roars the Truth.
The article, and the discussions, as well as the hatred toward folks as we saw in the Julie Jaman case, well it paints a picture that a Human Rights Commission is Really a Commission, a Council to Protect Transgenders ONLY and to stand by while Human Rights and Civil Rights of the Rest of Us are Violated. A Commission to turn a blind eye to the violence the Trans Gender community and their supporters have brought to the streets of Port Townsend.
Click Below to Read the Port Townsend Leader Article “Meet Emelia” article from 2015.

Emelia is Happy to Feel She Belongs. Yet she founded and backed a nonprofit that violently took that belongoing away from us. Why not Freedom of Speech, Dignity, Safety, and a Feeling of Belonging for us All? Seems like a Hypocritical Quagmire.
Yes Freedom, Safety, Dignity, and Human Rights for Trans Women, but NOT at the complete assault and denial of all other classes, groups and individuals those same Equal Rights.
Julie Jaman Matters Too, Amy Sousa Matters Too, those who supported Julie, and Elder in our Community Matter, the Gays and Lesbians at the Julie Jaman Press Conference Matter, the Republicans matter, the Democrats matter, the women matter, the men matter, the people matter, the Pagans matter, the Christians matter.
Safety, dignity and Human Rights for ALL Sovereign Individuals Matter.
In 2018 Emelia De Souza, president of Jefferson County Pride, said “the event celebrates June as LGBTQ History Month and focuses on human rights and dignity.” I am a Port Townsend Lesbian, I have lived here nearly 12 years. PRIDE is not about Gays and Lesbians anymore, it has become a hateful, bigoted, violent, aggressive, free speech suppressing, human rights violating, civil rights violation bunch of bullies. And their violent actions and rhetoric are celebrated by the Port Townsend Government, Jefferson County Government, Jefferson County Health Board, the PT Community at Large, Local Nonprofits, Local Businesses and Churches. As if all logic, law and human decency has been lost.
A Peninsula Daily News article talks about LGBTQ 101, a class developed by Jefferson County Pride. Members of East Jefferson Fire Rescue and the Port Townsend Police have all participated in the class, De Souza said. So no wonder the bias, De Souza does not speak for me or many of us in the LGBT Community, it is as if Trans Rights have taken over the rights of all other human beings and it is NOT Ok. How about Constitutional Law 101, Equal Rights, Inalienable Rights for ALL Equally and actually enforced by Jefferson County Law, Officials, and Prosecutors.
“De Souza hopes this event continues the discussion about human rights and dignity.”
There was NO Discussion Allowed, as we were beat down and silenced in the streets of Port Townsend. We were Given no “Human Rights” or “Dignity’.
Source of Peninsula Daily News Article I discuss above.

Emelia De Souza, Founder of Olympic Pride, and a local Trans Activist was invited by the Port Townsend City Attorney to participate in a City Council meeting to give a presentation in support of declaring Port Townsend a Humans Rights City. As if there was NOT a massive Human Rights Violation 4 months prior, incited by these same parties, and Olympic Pride Terrorists attacking us in the street, hitting us with Pride Flag Poles, wrapping Pride Flags around our face smothering us, hitting me with Pride signs in my face over and over.
A resolution on human rights issues is exactly what Julie Jaman was NOT Given, and what followed was immediate prejudice, discrimination, bullying and bigotry. We learned through FOI that City Manager John Mauro, City Attorney Heidi Greenwood and Chief of Police Tom Olson clearly discriminated against and blatantly prejudiced Julie Jaman and Amy Sousa from the very beginning. And this extreme discrimination, let to our assault.
A bit more about this Committee Meeting and Presentation
Did You Get An Invite to the “Culture Society Committee” by City Attorney Heidi Greenwood? Have you been asked to give a presentation, comment or participate in the City of Port Townsend Creating a Human Rights Commission?
In order to Have a Designation of Human Right City or to form a Human Rights Commission first of all we need a Definition of Human Rights. Clearly the Human Rights Laws already in existence are Not Adhered to in Port Townsend. The Council Culture and Society Committee touts their Alleged Pledges to Human Rights,Diversity, and Equity. However that is Far from the Truth, as Evidence Clearly Shows.
Next, we need to have a Definition of Human. Who qualifies as Human? What is the Criteria or Bar that has to be met to be eligible to be treated as Human, defined as Human and thus given Human Rights in the City of Port Townsend.
Port Townsend a Shining Example of Human Rights? Ya I don’t Think So.
Click Below to Read the Presentation from December 2022 by Transwoman Emelia De Souza, founder of Olympic Pride, formerly known as Jefferson County Pride, just 2 months after our assault. They really believe themselves to be into Human Rights for All. The Record is Pretty Clear that is NOT True.
There may be a need for an Activist Group or Individual for Trans Women, however that does not represent Gays and Lesbians, nor Bisexuals, nor the rest of the “citizens” of Jefferson County Washinton.
Trans Women have unique needs in EVERY Way. They have issues to speak out about, fight for, that are unique to them, and do not apply to the LGBT community in general. Men Who Identify as Women have Unique Needs emotionally, medically, politically, social and well in pretty much every way. Those have NOTHING to do with LGB issues.
As far as I am concerned. And Yes Human Rights for Trans Women however, why do you need to take them from the rest of us to have them for ONLY one class or group? How is that Equality? How is that not Discrimination.
Business Meeting
Council Culture and Society Committee
December 14, 2022
Click Below To Watch Meeting if Interested.
Emelia De Souza now Secretary at Human Rights Alliance North Sound
Gives her presentation at Timestamp 3:13.
RIGHTS. City of Port Townsend Resolutions to adopt and endorse UDHR
Click Below to Read
UN Declaration on Human Rights

Jefferson County Board of Health Presentation
by Emelia De Souza
January 19, 2023
Emelia heads to the The Jefferson County Health Board for Endorsement

Human Rights Alliance North Sound, Emelia De Souza Give a Presentation to the Health Board seeking Endorsement.
The Same Person Who Founded Olympic Pride, the non-profit involved in inciting a mob to assault us and Violate Our Human Rights, is providing Presentations in Support of Establishing a Human Rights Commission, and making Port Townsend a Human Rights City?
Click Below to Watch a Video I took of the Presentation Online with my Commentary
Discrimination, Violence, and Harassment is Exactly What We Experienced
January 19, 2023
Jefferson County Board of Health
Jefferson County Courthouse – Commissioners’ Chambers
Human Rights Alliance North Sound – Presentation in Support of Proposal to Establish a Human Rights Commission (Emelia De Souza)
Click Below for More Information
Emilia De Souza Presentation Timestamp 1:23:52
No Hate Here.
Means Everywhere
And Applies to ALL
Trans Rights Are Human Rights, they violently screamed at us as they violated our Human Rights.
Olympic Pride a Local 501(c)(3) incited their members and the public at large to HATE Julie Jaman and Amy Sousa, and thus any and all of us who wanted to speak and put our statement on the record.
This Human Rights Loving “People”, woman Pictured Below. Had an Orange Sign that Read “Trans Rights are Human Rights”. She hit me in the Face over and over with this stiff board sign. She smothered it over my Face, pressing down and Screaming Trans Rights are Human Rights.
These Olympic Pride, Trans Rights Activists are Violent, and they showed the world they have no Passion or Respect for Human Rights, and instead want to FORCE us to Love them, Accept them, with Violence. While they clearly abuse us, assault us, bully and intimidate us, hit us, silence our Free Speech Rights, Discriminate and Prejudice us and all at the incitement and protection of local nonprofits, churches, the police and the City Government.


For decades, Gay and Lesbians fought homophobia from the straight community, the radical christian community, but now we are accepted by these communities. And the Homophobia we get daily is from the LGBTQ community. Now Homophobia is from within the Rainbow.
They threaten us with violence if we don’t want to date who they say we should. We face violence, bullying, hate and discrimination daily and to have our local Government, Churches, Police, City Council, Mayor, and so many more do what they have done is heartbreaking, traumatic, bigotry and a clear violation of Human Rights.
They Called Julie Jaman a Bigot. They Call us All Bigots. We are NOT THE Bigots. Clearly they don’t research the words they use. They are an Intolerance Gang of Violent Bullies who are Aggressively Radically Partial to their Own Group. Our Speeches were positive and “For” and NOT Against. None of Our Speeches were hateful in any way, yet the City and their Co-Conspirators Justify our Attack, Deny our Experience, Gaslight and bully us and all in the name of Human Rights, Love, Support and Beauty.

If Port Townsend is a Human Rights City, then Julie Jaman is not Human; Nor is Amy Sousa, the 11 Speakers at the Julie Jaman Press Conference, the dozen or so supporters, or Me Reverend Crystal Cox. We, along with Michael Allmain and other Victims of PT Style Human Rights, Clearly Do NOT Qualify as HUMANS deserving of Human Rights.
It is Does not Matter What the City of Port Townsend Declares Itself As
or What the City Identifies as, Port Townsend Washington is
NOT a HUMAN RIGHTS CITY that is For Sure.
Your taxes just went up again, their pay raises just went up and who gets to have a say in “rights” in Port Townsend? Who gets to say who are “people” who have Human Rights, Dignity, Safety, Due Process, Respect and Equality. Only ONE Group has been proclaimed to be protected.
The Constitution protects us all. We don’t need some feeble, legally powerless, violence inciting City Proclamation, we already have Laws on the Books, Constitutional Rights and Inalienable Rights. Thing is, Port Townsend Authorities Refuse us those rights, those laws.
Who is it ok to beat up, attack, smother, knock down and silence in the street and who gets complete blind eye support and protection, regardless of Truth and Law?
Port Townsend is NOT a Place of Neutrality, Dignity for ALL, Human Rights for All
PT is a place of Discrimination, Prejudice, and Bigotry Plain and Simple.
Port Townsend Washington is not a “Welcoming City”
Port Townsend Washington is not a Human Rights Sanctuary.
Port Townsend Washington is far from Non-Discriminating. The City of Port Townsend, the actual local Government, discriminated against Julie Jaman, a long time resident of Port Townsend, to the point that they incited an angry violent mob to attack her and those of us making a statement at her Press Conference.
I have lived in Port Townsend for 11 years. I am a Lesbian. I am a director of a non-profit. The City of Port Townsend has discriminated against me over and over, for simply telling the truth and standing up on behalf of the law, and for total strangers. The City Officials made fun of me for sticking up for a homeless man, as they violated his rights and broke the law, nearly killing the man.
Port Townsend Washington is
a VERY Dangerous Place for Free Thinkers.
The City of Port Townsend is Focused on the Rights of One Class of Individual above all others and has a very narrow viewpoint of who matters, who has rights, and who deserves safety, dignity, and respect.
There will be a Port Townsend Human Rights Council Soon, as well a Human Rights Commission, and Port Townsend will Soon be Designated a Human Rights City. However that will just be a Fancy Label, and the Truth will Shine Bright beneath the Rug they are attempting to hide their discrimination, bigotry, abuse and prejudice under.
I, for one, will NOT be looking to a Port Townsend Human Rights Committee for Human Rights, Safety, Dignity, and Respect. That would be like asking my Abuser to hear me complain about my abuse, my assault, my Human Rights Violations, my Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights Violations.
There are already Human Rights Laws in place that the City Ignores. The City ignores Court Orders to go ahead and violate human rights. The city IGNORES Human Rights Laws, Discrimination Laws, and well just look at all the Law Violations in the Michael Allmain Case, Flat OUT Broke the Law and covered for each other.
What good will it be to have yet another governing entity to sit around and talk about our rights, gossip about us, berate and bully us, gaslight us and tell us we did not experience what we did, ignore our trauma and rights, make fun of us and on taxpayers dime as they Flat out Ignore and Violate the Laws already in place to Protect Us All.
Peace and Love to you All !
Written by Reverend Crystal Cox,
All Faith Church, Local non-profit 501(c)(3)
Research Links from Article
More on City Attorney Heidi Greenwood, Prosecutor James Kennedy and others Defying a Court Order to Return Private Property.
More on the Michael Allmain Case
City of Port Townsend STEALS Homeless Man's Dog Violates Court Order Keeps the Dog Sets the Man up for Criminal Charges and a 26k boarding bill.
Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom Facebook Expose’
Scroll Down, Lot’s of Info
City Manager John Mauro FOI eMail discussed in Article
Port Townsend YMCA Expose Facebook Group by Reverend Crystal Cox
Case in Point Facebook Group, Scroll Down, Lots of Information about the Julie Jaman Press Conference and Surrounding Events.
Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro Expose' by Reverend Crystal Cox
More City Attorney Heidi Greenwood and
others involved in the Michael Allmain Case
as mentioned in the article above.
City Attorney Defies Judge Mindy Walkers Court Order
“they DEFIED a Court Order and mocked the Judge for issuing it”
Jefferson County Prosecutor Admits to Knowing he Deliberately Defied a Court Order, and he mocks the Judge for issuing it. Why Bother having a court, when the City Attorney, Prosecutor and Police will Defy It?